

Is it proper to greet everyone a Happy Holy Monday? (That doesn't sound right, does it?) Anyway, I hope you're all having a great and blessed week, or at least spend some good time with your family and loved ones. As for my case, (and other students and employees)  I'm still having school until Holy Wednesday, so expect blog post that are school-related for the coming days, lol. Anyhow, I just want to share how great I feel now, because I get to blog a lot lately. (Which I really planned weeks ago) I used to think that I might just really be a 'sad' person coz I don't have someone (or people) around me with whom I can share these thoughts with, but then after a long time I realized, maybe I wasn't really sad, but just 'private' (naks! arte ko pls!)hahaha It was actually my choice to just remain private about my insights and thoughts and just plainly express it through blogging. 

As I grew up, I got to encounter different kinds of people; some are great and have shared a lot of insights and amazing memories with me, and some who are not-so-pleasant and have taught me a lot of lessons in ways I did not expect. Sad to say, those people who belong to the latter category have made a great impact on me, which is why I chose to be over-protective of myself. Well in all honesty, I find it a good thing because I get to guard myself and prevent some possible 'issues' with people. So far, not so good at first, but I managed to control my feelings and still get along with people pretty well (I hope)

Another thing, just so you know, I have a 'lighter' schedule today until Wednesday, another reason why I'm feeling happy and ecstatic! From this day up to April 15th will be exams and completion of several requirements, and then.....INTERNSHIP na. (**faints**) I know I've mentioned it so many times, but really, I'm never ready for internship!!!! hehehe (though a part of me is actually having a cartwheel now due to excitement) 

So there you go guys! How's your Holy Monday so far? Stay blessed!!

*selfie before going to my OB class this morning!*
guess who went to school unprepared for her IM long quiz

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