

Dear Future Boyfriend,
Hi, I hope we're friends now, or at least I have met you. I would really want to get to know you and I promise to exert effort in doing so. I really pray that you would be my first official and legit boyfriend, and hopefully my last. As of now, in case you still don't know me, or at least still getting to know about me, let me help you. Here are some things you would and should know.

1. I don't usually have that pre/post menstrual syndrome, but I do have cravings once in a while.
Unlike most girls, I don't suffer from menstrual pains every month, so I won't ask you to go out and buy pain reliever for me, or provide hot/cold compress. I won't even bother to ask you to  go and buy my favorite food, because chances are, I'd be shy to do so. I'm used to it, so I've mastered the art of taking care of myself during my red days. *wink*  I do crave randomly for my favorite food like street food (isaw, kwek kwek, taho), sushi, pizza and steak, but I won't force you to eat with me. However, I expect you to at least come with me  during these times when I would pig out. About my mood? Well to be completely honest, I have no idea if I have mood swings during my period, but one thing I promise, I won't get mad or annoyed if there's nothing really to be annoyed about. 

2. I don't have a 1-tera memory in my head to memorize all the details about you.
I'd truly appreciate when you bring me to your family gatherings or high school reunion and introduce me to everyone in the hall, but please forgive me when I won't get to recall all their names, or if I would fail to greet them at the mall if I would run into them. Likewise, I would never expect you to do the same with my family (kasi kahit ako, di ko rin sila lahat kilala) But when it comes to you, I would definitely take time to absorb the little things and make sure to remember them most of the time. 

3. I am your girlfriend, not your little sister or daughter.
I don't expect you to bring me everything I need/want or to pay for my food at all times. We're partners, okay? There are times when I would pay for my own food, and you would pay for yours. This relationship has to be a give and take. I'd appreciate your concerns regarding my health or the way I dress or my actions, but you don't have to dictate me on what I should eat/wear/do. I'd love your concern, but not to the point of being over-protective. 

4. Small things over grand gestures.
What I appreciate the most are the small things you do to me like, good morning and good night greetings, sweet nothings, your acts of chivalry. I'd prefer them over expensive dinners or luxurious getaways. What I'm actually after is the consistency of your actions, nothing else. 

5. We don't always have to spend pennies to celebrate.
Whether it's a monthsary/anniversary or just a random day, I would prefer chilling while watching movies or having road trips with you. When it comes to gifts, I appreciate the thoughtful ones with personal touch than a luxurious product merely bought at the mall (or online) because honestly, I can save up to buy those for myself. 

6. I love surprises, but I hate them at the same time.
I don't understand myself either, but what I'm sure of is that, I hate being caught off-guard. For some  reasons, I always want to have myself prepared on what might happen in certain circumstances and prevent getting humiliated in front of others. When it comes to surprises, I always think I don't put up a good facial reaction on being surprised (I must have mastered the art of keeping calm and composed, too) and I might just disappoint you. And I would hate that. 

7. Distance, every once in a while is good 
Let's not forget that before we even knew each other, we're both busy and independent individuals who have our own worlds, own set of friends and own ways to live. I respect that, and I expect you to respect mine too. There are times when we don't have to see each other and rather spend time with other friends or families and have some good catch up session with them. Or spend time for ourselves- have some make overs, or shopping (which I prefer to do alone) or simply stay home. Growth doesn't necessarily mean grow together at all times. 

8. I value honesty more than anything else.
I believe that trust is the best foundation of all sorts of relationships. And since I have lots of trust issues, I presume that you know this even before we became together. I would appreciate it if you would tell me directly that you're not up for food/road trip or you're tired, or you forgot about my birthday or our anniv or you don't feel like going to our planned movie night or hang out with friends,  rather than make some alibi or cover up for lies. Or you can tell me straight that you're no longer happy or you don't love me anymore or you've fallen out of love already (ay grabe.) Just be honest. It might cause pain, but I'd rather suffer the pain of the truth than enjoy the pleasures of a lie.

9. Consistency comes after honesty.
If there's one thing I'm having a really hard time to accept, that would be change. I easily get used to people, or things or circumstances because it gives me a certain level of comfort. I don't really mean the exact things you do that you should be consistent about, but your values and principles in life which I have learned to accept and love about you even before we got together. 

10. It might not be obvious, but yes, I love you so much
One thing I fear about is letting my guard down, so please understand that even if we're together, I still find it hard to express my feelings freely, especially if we're with other people. I might not tell you I love you often, but I hope that you'd see it through my actions. It might be in a form of constant reminder to take care of yourself or in my effort to learn how to cook your favourite dish or make time for you even after long hours of duty in the hospital. You see, I'm never good at expressing myself, and in as much as I'd love to tell you how I feel, I'm scared that you would find me unusually cheesy or corny, and I would be shy after. In times when  I have problems or something bothering me, please try to understand that I don't feel comfortable of being the first one to talk about it because I wouldn't want to bother you. But I promise to answer you in all honesty once you ask me. I will always be sincere and faithful, promise. In all things I do, know that I love you. And yes, very much.

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